
Connect Hashnode

Connecting your Hashnode Account to Peerlist Publish

  1. Navigate to your Hashnode dashboard and click on your profile circle to open dropdown. Then, click on the Account Settings:

    hashnode step-1
  2. Next, click on the Developer from user settings:

    hashnode step-2
  3. You will see a section for generating API keys. Click on the Generate new token to create an API Key. You can Revoke the key anytime you want from this section.

    hashnode step-3

    Sensitive user data, including API keys, are securely encrypted prior to storage in the database. Users have the option to delete these keys at any time in the Peerlist Publish extension.

  4. Navigate to one of your blog publications present on the dashboard:

    hashnode step-4
  5. Copy the Publication Id from url:

    hashnode step-5
  6. In the chrome extension, navigate to the Integrations page and select Hashnode to connect.

  7. Paste the API Key & Publication Id and click on Connect.

⚡ That's it! You should now connected to Hashnode and can start publishing.